Call us Today: (720) 272-1985
“The two recent Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA) projects that Blair and I worked on together involved wetland delineation, Section 404 permitting and wetland/riparian area mitigation along Windmill Creek located in Englewood, Colorado.”
“Ms. Leisure’s expertise and experience working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been invaluable to the success of these projects and I can confidently recommend Ms. Leisure for future projects.”
Molly Young Trujillo, P.E.
CIP Project Manager
Windmill Creek Project
Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority

Tim Winter
Routt County Purchasing Agent/Property Manager
Justice Center Project and Fairground Improvements

Threatened/Endangered Species & Wildlife

IRIS Mitigation and Design, Inc. (IRIS) specializes in wildlife and threatened and endangered (T&E) species assessments, including identifying the presence/absence of species and their habitat, coupled with habitat mitigation, enhancement and restoration work.

The IRIS proven approach involves:

  • Conducting wildlife and T&E species and associated habitat assessments through conducting biological research, mapping review, and thorough field investigations.
  • Working with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado Division of Wildlife, and the Colorado Natural Heritage Program to research existing agency databases, mapping and protocol. Follow agency protocol regarding agency recommendations on specific species, their habitat requirements, species survey protocol, and set-back recommendations and regulations.
  • Working with project proponents to avoid impacting threatened and endangered species and their critical habitat. Work to minimize impacts on wildlife during project inception and development.
  • Determining if threatened and endangered species impact may require USFWS consultation under Section 7 or Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act. Preparing specific species habitat mitigation plans and acting as the client representative to regulatory agencies.
  • Designing wildlife habitat mitigation plans that maximize needs of specific wildlife species and that includes a native plant palette to provide diverse natural and replacement functions.
  • Developing monitoring plans and determining mitigation project success in conjunction with regulatory agencies and client to complete project requirements.
  • Completing seasonal site maintenance such as organizing irrigation needs, weed control, spot seeding, and tree/shrub replacement as needed.
  • Completing annual monitoring and reporting until the project has met approved project criteria and has been signed off by the necessary agencies as meeting these success criteria.

Contact Information

IRIS Mitigation and Design, Inc.
Environmental Consulting
2022 Arapahoe Street
Golden, CO 80401
(720) 272-1985